Hellooooo my awesome family. And my wonderful friends :) This week was
a really good one. I didn't ride elephants. But... it was still a
really wonderful week!
This week. We had a little
bit of zone training. Which was really good as always! Sister Mac is a
Sister Training Leader. So I got a chance to go on a switch-off with
another Sister in the mission who has been out for 6 weeks! (Wow! She
was so awesome already!) And I also got a chance to travel to a couple
of different places and see the training given. It was amazing. Some
of the thoughts that kind of resonated with me... First, that all of the
things that are happening are not coincidences. This morning I was
reading in 3 Nephi, when the Savior quotes Isaiah for a little bit, and
talks about the gathering of Israel. I felt like I was taught a little
bit by the spirit, and I was able to see the reality of these prophecies
coming true. It is no coincidence that the work in Thailand is
speeding up at the rate that it is. It's God's way of revealing His
arm, and gathering scattered Israel. It's no coincidence that the work
is hastening with our sights set on a temple. Thailand just happens to
be in the middle of a large area without one. The Lord has planned
specifically, and is both helping us in the details, preparing
investigators to receive the gospel LONG before we meet them. And He is
moving the work forward in the large scheme of things. Wow, this
really is His work.
Other thoughts from this week... ummmm... wow. A
couple of the investigators that we've had recently. Have had the most
amazing attitudes. They meet us. And there desire to follow God is so
incredible. After asking us what exactly "sin" is. One of them said...
can you teach me all of the commandments so that I can make sure I'm
not doing anything wrong? She was actually not even the first
investigator I've had say that. I am stunned by these "elect" people.
By how quickly they recognize the word of God, and by their QUEST for
obedience. It's incredible.
One more thing that I've been thinking about
recently. I know I know, you'll have heard this a million times before.
But... I am obsessed with the symbolism behind the Savior as the light
of the world. I just see so stunningly clearly the difference between
the light and the dark. This week I met an awesome lady while on that
switch-off. It was actually a number of possibly "inspired mistakes"
that led us to her door. I... forgot the building number of a less
active member of a church. Then... Sister Mac and her temporary
companion didn't answer their phone. Even though more logically I
probably should've just headed on back to the church... I felt the
spirit prompt me to just go try out building number 98 and see if that
was the right one. We ran into this awesome lady, who I can tell has
been a little nervous about all of the "dark things" there are in the
world! She new some people that had passed away unexpectedly, she had
troubles with a number of different things, and just some of the
darkness that can be found in the world weighed on her mind. I felt so
blessed to get to tell her that I know she can find peace. I know there
is light that is greater than any darkness. The same feeling came to
me again as I was sitting in sacrament meeting. As I listened to some
of the members concerns as we greeted them before sacrament meeting, I
again just felt this trust in the Savior. Yes, there are dark things.
Scary things. Dangerous things. Bad things. But, there are good
things. Beautiful things. And there is the brilliant light of the
Savior. He is the life and the LIGHT of the world. I just felt so
happy in sacrament meeting. As I watched these amazing investigators
receive the Holy Ghost. When one of our investigators walked in. I
just felt so full. And so sure that no matter what adversity we will
face, we have a Savior. This is His church, and we can choose to dwell
in His light.
I love you guys so much! :) I hope you have the best week ever this week! :)
Sister Croft

Some sweet sisters that got baptized yesterday. Wow! :) These were
the Elders' investigators! They were so sweet though! They wanted a
picture with the sisters too! :) Haha. They're awesome! ALSO. You
gotta love this sign. At a lot of the buddhist temples we went to. You
might see a sign like this one. I know you can't read it... but... the
THAI part of that sign says that admission is 10 baht if you're Thai.
Cracks me up.