I really can't believe how fast time goes though... lets see what I can remember from this week.
week... we... did a lot more contacting than I have in the past! I
kinda like it... I always get a little bit nervous... but really trying
to follow the spirit. Trying to be bold, trying to be friendly... and
not worrying about being a little awkward, make contacting so good! We
try to contact for a bit as a district every week. This week... we sang
hymns by the river, and took turns swapping out to talk to everyone.
"Why do you think all of those white people are standing over there
singing?" is always a fun way to start it up! :)
Probably the real highlight of this week was a Fireside that we got to have on Friday!
We did a fireside about missionary work. You guys. Think about how
awesome this is... here in Phitsanulok we have... I'm pretty sure over
10 potential missionaries! That's more missionaries than my ward in
UTAH has out right now! Wowza! :) It was a really good activity,
President Senior came all the way out here for it! He did a finding
activity with them using "Where's Waldo" to teach them the importance of
the spirit, and using your companion! We had my companion, Sister
Sararad, Brother Boy (who is an AMAZING returned missionary) and Sister
Dxey (also a returned missionary) as speakers! We did a role play with
everyone, where we practiced giving a Book of Mormon to someone! At
first... I was a little bit interested in how this activity would play
out... because we had a couple of investigators and other members come
to the fireside. I was "companions" with one investigator (a friend of
one of our youth) and my companion was companions with another woman,
Sister Saa, who we've had the chance to begin teaching! So... how are
they gonna pretend to give out a Book of Mormon? :) Well... I
started... I talked about how there was only one true church on the
earth, and there was a way to know if this was it! I gave my
"investigator" (who actually... is an investigator) the Book, and then
when it came time to switch, she said "wait... how will I know?" :) I
was delighted to not exactly do the assigned activity... but instead
pull out a picture of the Godhead and explain about prayer, and the Holy
Ghost! She left the activity early with her friend... but I left her
with the Book of Mormon, which she has apparently read from! I'm
excited to meet with her soon! Our other investigator... Sister Saa
left the activity with a date to be baptized! Hooray! :) I think the
youth were also affected well :) it was really good! I'm gonna attach a
picture of everyone wearing there missionary shirts :) these are our
sharp youth :) Way to go Phitsanulok!
You guys are the best. :)
Have a WONDERFUL week.
Sister Croft