Here are a couple of miracles. Talk about incredible.
Last Monday, a man walked into the church during Family Home Evening.
Nobody recognized him, so the other sisters went over and started
talking to him. I honestly don't know a whole ton about him, except
that he really was prepared by God! Wow. I think his baptismal date is
this week! We literally did NOTHING to find him, as it says in Preach
My Gospel (I think :)) God will either place prepared people in your
way, or they'll find you! Wowza. That is incredible.
2. On Thursday
Sister Stewart and I had an appointment pit, and so, on a thought, I
mentioned a less active member of the church who lives about a 30 minute
bike ride away. We decided to go visit her, so we hopped on our bikes
and pulled up at her work! Just as we pulled up a younger girl who we
got to teach until she stopped meeting with us because of tests at
school randomly shouted out to us and came up to say hello! Meanwhile
the less active member, who saw us and was not necessarily happy to see
us, snuck off. The miracle that happened was... this young girl Oom.
Is the granddaughter of the boss of this less active. We found this
less active member and began talking to her. We literally saw her heart
soften from "I'm going to avoid these missionaries" to sitting down
together. This member talking about her mission fondly, and remembering
what kind of work she did and why! Wow. I think there still may be
some obstacles to be overcome before we can help her come back to
church. But think of how intricate and perfect that meeting was. We
came right as her work ended. Sister Oom was there right in time to see
us and soften this member's heart towards us. Wow. AMAZING!
3. Maybe like a week ago, Sister Stewart and I were
at 7/11. And this man said "Hey Sisters, how are you?" or something
like that! Sister Stewart asked him how he knew the sisters... well...
it turns out he is a less active member of the church! We had an
appointment with him that didn't work out... and then that very same
night we ran into him at the grocery store randomly. Yesterday we met
him at the church and talked with him. He explained how he hadn't
planned on going to the grocery store, but he felt tired so he went to
go get some coffee. He pulled up to the grocery store and saw our
bikes, and thought that that was weird. But it's a big store! So the
odds of us seeing each other weren't very good. But right as we were
leaving and he was going in we ran into each other. He said something
that I really loved! He said "I don't know why I keep running into you,
there is only one person that knows why I keep seeing you! God!" Wow.
Amazing! I'm so excited to get to meet with him more!
I'm sure God's hand is in our lives so much more
than we know! I love the verses in 3 Nephi where Christ says "How oft
have I gathered you... how oft do I gather you... how oft will I gather
you!" It's amazing to see that God works with people way before
missionaries get there. And that He is always looking to gather us and
help us! It's not just the lost sheep that He's looking to gather under
His wings either! He cares for each of the 99 and He knows the 1.
I love you so much! And I hope you have a wonderful
week! Next week :) I'm pretty sure I'll have watched Conference too!
Hoorah! Hopefully... I'll get to watch it in English :P Though... I
guess if I don't... it could be because we had an investigator come. So
maybe... hopefully I DON'T get to watch it in English :)
Have a great week!
Sister Croft
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