wanna know how I learned it? This week we had TRANSFERS. Which...
honestly... before my mission I was like "Yay. People had transfers"
But actually packing up your suitcases... moving to a new place and
then having a new person you're gonna spend 24 hours a day with... is
actually kind of crazy! My entire district ended up in Bangkok this
week (a 6 hour bus ride to get there... and 6 to get back!). Annnnd.
This is what happened. Sister Muller left. Sister Stewart, my
trainer, left! Sister Sararad who is a Khon thai, and who WAS Sister
Muller's companion is now my follow up trainer. And we got a new
companionship of sisters. Sister Mullen, and Sister Peterson, who just
got here this week! Crazy! Mannnn. I am so lucky to have Sister
Sararad! She has been so patient with me so far... I can't even imagine
having to listen to my Thai all day :P Haha... that can't be fun at
all. But. I feel like my Thai has improved already... having to speak
Thai all day has taught me that... there are lots of things I don't know
the word for. And also that Heavenly Father is so good to me! I have
no doubt He has expanded my ability to understand and speak. I feel
like... I can understand a LOT of what's being said (depending on the
subject matter and who is talking :) but still!) and that I can respond
and at least... use circumlocution if nothing else! It's crazy. I just
have to remember that none of that is me! I feel like I'm like...
driving a car... and all I have to do is push on the pedal and then I
shoot forward. It's crazy. Man I'm blessed. I still have miles and
miles and MILES to go. But I'm really really really blessed. (Three
reallys worth :) it's true!)
Annnnd. What else. This week has been so crazy
because of transfers. You spend a whole day in Bangkok, plus travel
time... and my companion had to pack all her bags, and we had to help
the new sisters. So unfortunately... this week has felt a little bit
less than productive! Buuuut. It's been good. Right now we have a
good handful of investigators (that's another weird thing... we were
like... who do we teach... who do the new sisters teach? Crazy!) one of
them is named Jonrag. I think I mentioned him before. He walked into
the church one day by himself. So he hasn't been baptized quite yet...
but with in the next couple of weeks! He should be! I'm still amazed
by that. Literally nothing to do with us.
Annnnd. Also. Just a story for y'all. Yesterday
Sister Sararad and I went to visit this less active woman who I am
pretty sure the Lord has been thinking of recently! :) I randomly (but
prayerfully) called her several weeks ago just looking through our
phone. And Sister Sararad did the same thing a couple of days ago!
Yesterday Sister Stewart called me from her new area saying that a
member there wanted us to go contact that exact same sister. Wowza! :)
We had better get our tails on over there! So we did... she seemed
like a really nice woman! Her story kinda hurt my heart though! She
was a strong member in her last branch, but when she moved here... she
came for 2 months. And no one talked to her. So she just stopped
going! Ouch. That just kills me! It makes me want to vow to always
look around when I go to church. Always introduce myself, always be
loving and warm! I hope that we can show her how much we love her! And
I hope that we can help her come back to church and then feel the love
of the ward members there! It makes me think of that scripture... where
everyone's names were recorded, so that they could be nurtured, and
watched over! No wonder we are supposed to do home and visiting
teaching! And no wonder every new convert needs a friend! :) It just
hurts my heart to hear that she felt so unloved at our church!
And. What else. Oh yeah. This week. We had a
Somtam cook off at our church. Haha... I love it! It's like a CHILI
cook-off. But THAI style. Plus... I think I prefer Somtam to chili.
Anyway. I ended up being one of the judges somehow... haha... the
Brother that asked me to judge was like... "can you eat, blah?"
Which... is fish... when I was talking to people before it started they
showed it to me... it's like... fish in a bag full of slimy... fish
juice. And it smelled really strongly... and was kinda scary. I said
"yeah... I probably can down it!" And so I did... :) Haha... Sister
Sararad told me I would get "Thong siia nanon" (sorry I spell stuff
whatever way I want!) A.k.a. Diarrhea was sure to follow! I was
actually fine though! :) Anyway. That's just a random story. :)
I love you so much! :) I hope you have a really
awesome week! YAY! I love Thailand. And I love the gospel! And I
love my fambly. You guys are the coolest.
Sister Croft
P.S. This is our district right
before we all parted ways. My new companion is in the purple/yellow
dress. She's awesome! :) She's hilarious and sassy, and a really
skilled teacher!
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