This month in
the Thailand Bangkok Mission (TBM - The Best Mission) we've all been
working towards the goal of having one person get baptized in each
companionship! We also... received some new training about how to
contact and invite people. This is how we do it... we ask everyone we
talk to if they want to get baptized right on the street! We've been
told to extend a date even! It takes a lot of boldness to ask everyone
for 2 hours if they want to get baptized. Buuuuut. It's exciting to
meet with people afterward who know exactly what their goal is.
Baptism. Who have come back because they want to learn more about the
gospel, and they want to be clean from their sins! I think it'll take a
little bit of work to get better at it... but! It's exciting! All of
everything working towards having a temple here in Thailand! :)
We are still teaching some of the people that we've
been working with in the past! That mom who came to church last week is
interested in getting baptized! Hooray!!! I really love seeing this
family together... and how amazing would it be... to see them all get
baptized! To see them sealed together in the temple! :) Hooray! :)
We're workin' on it!
This morning I've been thinking a bit about...
Eternal Life! :) And alllll that that entails. As a missionary... you
face a lot of rejection... I think that the hardest ones for me are the
ones who have felt to sing the song of redeeming love... but for some
reason or another... they've forgotten! The less active members
sometimes... just tug at my heart strings, and I just wish I could clear
the confusion and the distractions that are difficult to avoid in life,
and help them see the Plan of Salvation with clarity. The pearl of
great price! That thing which would cause them to sell everything they
own. I was reading about the Father of King Lamoni this morning. I
will ALWAYS love his heart felt questions to Aaron, after he learns of
the Plan of Salvation... "What shall I do that I may obtain eternal
life?" and his sincere pray... "I will give away ALL of my sins to know
Thee." I wish I could just make them understand that really really the
Plan of Happiness. Is a Plan of Happiness. That Heavenly Father knows
them. That He loves them... when I was younger I used to get confused
about why the Savior was always telling people He was the Savior, and
why He was always saying "Come unto me" (I don't really know why that
confused me... but I didn't really get it!) But I think if we could see
things with the eternal and all knowing perspective of God... we would
understand and feel the urgency and pleading and pure love in the call
"Come unto Me." The Savior asks us to come unto Him, to find rest for
our souls, to find healing, to find help! He knows the gift, which is
the greatest of ALL gifts. And that is His work and His glory. To
bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man! Man that's
amazing. And even though it's difficult to not be able to MAKE anybody
feel or understand anything. I know I'm blessed to have the chance to
extend love! To bear my testimony, and try to help these people! Dear
are the sheep that have wandered.
I love you so so much! :) Annnnd I hope that you have a wonderful week this week! :)
Sister Croft
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