This week. Oh man... what all happened it's hard
to remember. Sorry that this email will probably be short and not very
good! Haha. Well...Just for a fun fact. We went to the hospital
three times this week (hospital=doctors office here.) Once because my
poor companion scratched her eye. And twice to visit an investigator.
Another fun fact. I have officially been "footed."
Eeek. :) We had a kinda unique experience in the park this week...
where someone really didn't like what we were doing! So I've officially
seen someone do the equivalent of "telling someone they're number one"
in America! Ahhh :)
Also. This week was Halloween! :) I hope that you
had a thrilling time at home! :) Haha... probably the usual hanging
out at home and eating candy. But I'm sure you could be wondering what
Halloween is like in Thailand. In Phitsanulok we had a Halloween
activity, complete with donuts on a string (who knows where that even
came from) toilet paper mummies, and other such Halloween festivities!
It was an activity planned by the youth... so it definitely had a lot
of energy and excitement! :) But it was awesome to see quite a few
random people come (we invited tons of random people on the street!)
Sometimes... I think you just gotta know that entering the church isn't
a scary experience! We can have fun :) and the members are people too!
:) I'll attach a few pictures from the activity... unfortunately I
only took a few.
Annnnd. Just some thoughts from my personal study
this morning. As I was reading in Alma 5. This phrase popped out at
me. "And now I say unto you, all you that are desirous to follow the voice of the good shepherd, come ye out from the wicked, and be ye separate..."
I'm not sure why that stood out to me so much. But. It did :) so you
get to hear about it I guess!! Isn't it amazing sometimes to look
around you and see that we literally are in the last days? Wow. It's
crazy! It seems like the faster time rolls onward, and the more the
world gets polluted with the philosophies of men, and the temptations of
Satan, the more we have to consciously decide to follow the voice of
the good shepherd, and BE YE SEPARATE. Sometimes that requires courage.
But because it's true :) it's worth it! And Heavenly Father will
strengthen us as we try to follow His voice, and respond to His call as
our Shepherd.
I love you all! :) I hope you have a Thairiffic week
:) The gospel is true. No doubt about it!!! It is worth every
"sacrifice" and every effort.
Sister Croft
You as our Shepherd. :p