It was so nice to talk to you just now :) Just some extra thoughts from
this week. As I told you over skype! This week I got transferred to
Don Muang in Bangkok!! Crazy crazy times. So we packed up all of our
stuff and said goodbye to some of our awesome members/investigators in
Phitsanulok (both Sister Sararat and I left!) and went off to transfer
meetings! I literally didn't leave the church building that we had
transfer meetings at... my new companion Sister MacDurmet, was like "oh
we have an appointment here at 5! So... that's kind of exciting!
Bangkok is a whole new world! It's definitely a lot more fast paced
than Phitsanulok was!
This week... one of our investigators, Brother Bank, got
baptized! I'm not sure if I even taught him a lesson before he was
baptized :) but he is awesome! We also have a couple of other
investigators who have passed their interviews too! It's so crazy to be
here with a new companion, and just kinda in the fast pace of the work.
We have a bunch of people working towards baptism, and we're really
trying to help them experience conversion! We try to read the Book of
Mormon with them! It's amazing, with those 2 hours of contacting it's
almost difficult to fit everyone in! It's a great problem to have!

Ummmm... I dunno what else to tell you.
On Monday
we had a big fires
ide with all of the missionaries in Bangkok (I think
that's 3 zones worth of missionaries! It was HUGE!) We went to a big
(and delicious) buffet. And then we went back to the church, spent some
e together there, listened to our incredible mission president. And
decorated some cookies! It was really an awesome fireside. Don't you
just love Christmas? I love it so much!! And aren't we the most
blessed people in the world. We know why we celebrate Christmas! We
know why there is a huge Christmas tree at the mall, we know why we buy
people presents, it's all in remembrance of the TRUE meaning of
Christmas. I still love the Christmas hymns! Don't forget to read that
little card that I wrote you! :) JOY to the WORLD. We really do have
every reason to have JOY. I know that we have a Savior, and that our
Savior is Jesus Christ! That He came into the world so that we could be
saved! I know that He is the true source of peace and happiness in
this world! I'm so grateful for that knowledge! I love you so much! :)
And I'm so glad we are sealed together! Sorry I just talked for...
literally a whole hour without stopping :) I love you so much though!
Have a wonderful Christmas :) You better wake up at
Sister Croft
is... a picture of... a million missionaries at a fancy hotel. Annnnd.
A picture of us at a FHE at a member family's home.