The highlight of this week. Was DEFINITELY Sunday.
When. Sister Pet got BAPTIZED! :) Hooray! She is awesome! She is
such a sweet girl, she's kinda quiet, but her faith is LOUD! :) I'm
amazed by how much faith you really can see when you look at the choices
that she has made! She's faced some opposition, but she is committed
to God! After her baptism, she told us that she felt like she had been
born again! Wow. She is just amazing! We also got the chance to share
our missions goals and vision for baptisms in Thailand in Relief
Society/Priesthood this week. We had the chance to listen to several of
the recent converts in our branch stand and bear their testimonies. I
just can't help but feel excited and happy for the future that they have
as members of the church. I can't help but think of people close to me
who have accepted the gospel, and how the course of their lives have
changed! It's incredible to see that baptism is just the beginning, and
how the doors to the Celestial Kingdom really do open when we make that
choice to follow God.
Just a thought that I had this morning as I was
studying! We really do live in the last days before the second coming
of Christ! It's true! The world really is moving quickly away from the
truth. It's heartbreaking to see Satan's temptations and falsehoods
taking over people's hearts! I am becoming more and more certain that
we have to make conscious efforts to draw nearer to God in order to not
be swayed by the changes that take place in the world! God is constant.
His truth is eternal, and when we consciously seek His guidance,
through reading the scriptures, going to the temple, through prayer! We
will find safety. When we heed the words of prophets. When we
consciously decide to ALWAYS keep the commandments, we really will find
peace. No matter what is happening in the world. No matter the
temptations that come. And the temptations will come... I think of
Helaman 5. WHEN the devil shall send forth his mighty whirlwinds...
it's going to happen. Everyone in Lehi's dream experienced the mocking
finger, the negative comments on facebook, the accusations, or taunting.
And those who heeded it... feel away! But we can choose to heed them
not. To hold fast to the iron rod. And not be ashamed of what we know
to be true. I dunno! Just some thoughts :)
I love you so much! It's almost 2014. It's so
weird!!! I hope that you have a Thairiffic week this week :) You guys
are the best!
Sister Croft
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