So. This week was a really good week. We taught a bunch of lessons.
We have kind of a bunch of different people that we're getting to teach
right now... for some reason almost all of them fall into the same
category. Adult males. It is so strange. But... Sister Painter and I
figure that God must have prepared a lot of priesthood holders to help
this area become a stake (not too much longer!).
We've have had some kind of crazy lessons that didn't go
at all the way we wanted them to. But... we've also had some lessons
where we've felt grateful for the spirit's promptings. And just like...
small things that have helped us meet the investigators needs. For
example. One investigator, who had an extremely... interesting first
lesson (without explaining details... we just had kind of an...
unsupportive member) :) but. For his second lesson... I had the
thought that I should ask a certain member to help us teach. I thought
she probably wouldn't be free. But. I just asked her anyways! She was
free!! Hooray! And honestly... it was just great having her and her
husband there. They shared their experiences and clearly answered his
questions. It honestly was so perfect to have them there. It sounds
really small... but... I think it made a big difference. At the
beginning of the lesson he told us he hadn't read or prayed since the
first time we saw him. But as he said the second prayer of his life, to
close our lesson, he prayed so sincerely and promised God that he would
We have another AWESOME investigator. Haha... oh
man. He's so cool it just makes me laugh a little bit. He's a
policeman. He rides a really cool motorcycle. And he drove away from
our last lesson wearing sunglasses. At night. :) Haha... but really.
He is incredible. We started our second lesson. Asked him if he'd
read or not... he said he'd been really busy with work so he'd only read
a little bit... which I thought must mean that he'd read the first two
verses or something! But. At the end of our lesson we asked again or
something... if he had any question about anything. He opens his Book
of Mormon and says "yeah. I don't get this book sometimes! What IS
this? I'm Thai. And sometimes I don't even know what it's saying. 'Wo
unto him that says all is well in zion!' What is zion? And the devil
cheateth their souls?" What is that?? Sometimes I ask God... why does
this have to be so confusing?" Haha. Wow. He'd read till 2 Nephi 28.
In only a few days! :) Really awesome. Something that I was very
impressed with though... was his sincerity. Even though he was kind of
funny in explaining his question, he explained that he sincerely wanted
to understand the Book of Mormon. He knew it wasn't a cartoon book, it
wasn't just for entertainment. And his prayers and scripture reading
are a reflection of that honest desire to know. He talks to God like he
talks to people he can see right in front of him. And... he wants to
know if He's really listening and really knows him. I loved having the
chance to testify that God DOES know him, DOES hear his prayers. And it
didn't just start now... God has always been aware of him!
I love our investigators! They are so great. And I
love the members here. Haha... Wow. I just want to share about a
couple more people. Sorry this is so long... maybe you've made it this
far :) maybe you haven't.
First inspiring person. Brother Rat. You guys. He
is so awesome. You saw a picture of him at his baptism. Wow. He is
amazing! The other day he had time off of school. And so... he
literally. Stayed at the church all day. In case someone needed him to
help teach. He said "I'm going to be a STAND BY!" to me in English. I
want to be as willing to sacrifice and ready to help as he is. He's
been that way from the time he started investigating! Wow.
Second inspiring person. Brother Jack. Brother
Jack also just got baptized. He was the Elder's investigator. And man.
He is incredible! Brother Jack is actually... one of the most
friendly and honestly loving people ever. He is very energetic. He
comes up to everyone at church. Shakes their hand vigorously and will
say (for example!) "Sister Croft. Wow! I missed you so much!" Haha...
but... he literally will do that to everyone. He is EVERYONE'S friend.
You can count on him to grab an investigator and make them feel
welcome at church. They instantly have a friend. Haha... he's just a
funny guy. Yesterday I had the chance to sing at a baptism. He was
telling me how much he liked it... and in doing so... I guess he
couldn't find any words... so he did this little like... spin. I love
it! He's awesome. He has enthusiasm and takes great care to know
what's happening in other people's lives! Wow!
One more quicky. A sweet lady (who was a friend of a
member) just got baptized yesterday. With her granddaughter. What a
sweet day for them. I was touched by how strongly she felt the spirit!
So wonderful.
There are so many more people I could tell you
about. Buuuut. :) This letter is already too long. I love the people
here. They are so great.
I hope you have an incredible week this week. It sounds like crazy things are happening at home! :)
I love you!!
Sister Croft