First of all. My
companion just lied to me and told me that I was moving. I was pretty
sad. But actually! I'm apparently staying here in Don Mueang!
Anyway this week. Was bizarre. I liked it a lot.
Just a lot of weird things happened. :D First of all... this week was
Songkhran. I didn't get any good pictures of like... actual water
fights happening... because... I didn't want my camera to be destroyed.
But... what a funny holiday! I love it! :) Haha... Sister Painter
told me "no one is safe... ever." I was like... okay... what does that
mean? As we took a bus to go to the church and play. The doors opened
to let someone off and someone on the side of the road threw a bucket
full of water into the bus. Okay. So nobody is safe ever :) The poor
woman working on the bus... :) she was not very happy that she was wet.
But honestly... it's just a huge waterfight all of the time. If you're
riding on a motorcycle you'll probably get a bucket of water thrown on
you. Or if you're walking. Or if you're on a bus. In a taxi... if
your car is black. You'll probably get some baby powder put on it.
It's just kind of crazy :) So first we played at the church. And then
we went to this street... that I forget the name of. We basically just
walked down this insanely long street at the mercy of water guns.
Buckets of icy water. And this like... goopy stuff. Sometimes it's
made of like this chalk stuff and water. Sometimes it's made of baby
powder and water. Anyway. You walk down the street and everyone rubs
the goopy stuff on your face. It's weird. But kind of funny. I
probably had like... 10 million hands on my face throughout the day.
Annnnnd. Yesh. You wear these crazy Hawaiian shirts. And... it's
crazy. There was a Branch party... involving Karaoke and games and
water and dancing.
Other things that happened this week. One of the
investigators that we're teaching is so amazing. She is the sweet lady I
told you about that was like... "I can't wait to go to church!!!"
Well. This week... we had a Book of Mormon class and when we pulled up
to the church she said "Sister. I prayed for two days in a row. And
then I got an answer!" She is so awesome. She bore here testimony in
the class about receiving answers to prayers and she is just amazing.
Definitely one of those people that God prepared.
Annnnd. We had an amazing experience this week in
going to visit this sweet sister who was recently baptized and then soon
I call it: The miracle of the rain.
Anytime I had gone to visit her before... she was either
1. Not there. or
2. It was pretty awkward and she wouldn't really let us in her house.
was on a switch-off that day. We went on over to her house with a plan
of being bold and just really trying to have an opportunity to sit down
and talk. We got there... and she was there! Hooray! We began
talking... and I felt like my boldness was withering away... oh no...
we're not getting in the house... but then. As we were about to leave.
A miracle happened. It began to rain just a tiny bit. I looked up and
it wasn't even like... the normal dark heavy clouds of rain. It was
just a few bits of clouds. And me and Sister Hughes both agreed it
really was a miracle. She invited us inside. And we sat down and
shared a message. God sent us miraculous rain!
Have a wonderful week! I love you all so much!!!
AND I'm SO excited for Jared!!!! WOW! :) Watch out Texas. You've got a
good one coming your way!
Sister Croft
Just some good old Songkhran. Sister Painter already had washed off her face.
They have Wassabi flavored KitKats in Asia.
I dunno what that is. :) Just me making a weird face.
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