We felt like our first few days were quite the warm
welcome. First welcome. Waking up to this beautiful sunrise after a 7
hour bus ride... Where am I? It's so green!! And so beautiful.
Other welcomes. A huge spider in our apartment. That's
after it got all curled up when it died. Gross. Sister Hughes did the
honors. :)
Our key got stuck in the door of
the church the first day. We had to have like... a team of members to
help us get it out. :) There was clapping and rejoicing when it
finally worked!
The members here. Are amazing. I honestly can just
feel of their faith. I can feel it. They are so willing to help. And
they just get it!! At our first coordination meeting... I was stunned!
I am so thrilled to be in this new area! We're kind of... starting
fresh because this area was closed for about 6 weeks. We have... 1 new
investigator! And I will diligently follow up with him. We teach him on Wednesday.
:) He has all of our time and attention to himself for a moment! :D
Haha... oh my goodness. I love it. I really am so thrilled by the
members here. By the faith that I can see and feel. And the
possibilities... I know the investigators are out there :) and as
President Senior so clearly testified to us at transfer meetings... I
know that the Lord specifically sends us to different areas to work. I
dunno what it is about Srisaket. But I'm so ready to do whatever it is
that I'm supposed to in this little part of the vineyard. I love it
already. Spiders and all. :) I've just started praying for safety from
bugs again.
Hooray. I hope that you guys are all doing well. I
love you so much. And I love being a missionary!! :) Thank you for
your constant examples! The church is true. And as that awesome hymn
says... FEAR NOT. For the Lord is on our side!
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