I literally feel like I'm sending you this letter from 4 months later even though... not that much has happened. And yet everything has happened! :) Oh man... I have so many thoughts that I just don't even know where to begin.
On Monday we found out that Sister Hughes was leaving.
That's sad because... I sure loved Sister Hughes! She taught me a lot
and helped me in so many specific ways that I needed.
On Tuesday after we taught a recent convert we received a call from a
random number. We answered it. Annnnnd no!!! It was one of the
Assistants. I was terrified when Sister Hughes handed me the phone
because I knew what everyone had told me would probably be true. He
said, "Sister Croft, you're training. You need to be in Bangkok
tomorrow at 9:00 for a meeting." I think my heart kept pounding for
about 20 minutes after that call! Then as Sister Hughes and I hurried
to gather all of her stuff it was just weighing on my mind. I was so
stressed. But Tuesday night after teaching English we got on a bus to
go to Bangkok.
Thursday. Was the actual transfer meeting. I was a
little bit nervous as we sat in the cultural hall waiting for it to
begin. I was very nervous as we began the actual process of finding out
who our companions were. But now I am so thrilled! :) My new
companion's name is Sister Herrmann. She is so awesome! As you'll see
in the pictures she is so beautiful and already so good at Thai and at
talking to people! Right now our district has 6 people. 3 of them are
still in training, and they are all so awesome! :) I'm so proud of
But. It's okay. Because we're here safe and sound.
That's just kind of a funny story that these new missionaries can now
tell to their posterity. :) Something that they can laugh about for
the rest of their lives. :) Hopefully :)
I wish I could adequately express how much my
mission means to me. I'm excited to be a trainer. Sister Herrmann is
so awesome. She really really is. It's kind of a bizarre thing for her
to think I'm "old in the mission" or... for her to think that "You
speak like a Thai person!" I'm pretty sure I just got here :D But I'm
so excited for all that we're going to learn together here. She's
really awesome!
I love you so much, have a really incredible week!
Sister Croft
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