I love being a missionary. I like what Derek said in his email this
week. It's true. Every week is the same and yet different.
Just a couple of highlights from this week.
First of all... we have a new investigator. It's a
referral from a member in our ward, her own mother! Sister Herrmann and
I went to their house for the first time this week. Her mother is 99
years old, she turns 100 in February! It was a different sort of
lesson, we taught the Plan of Salvation very simply in Thai. And then
this sweet woman's daughter translated it into the country dialect
(which is like... Laos. But a little different!) in her mothers ear.
It was cool to teach the gospel so simply. This sweet woman has such a
tiny body. I don't think she can stand on her own. But she wants to
live with her husband forever. So awesome. (A cool sidenote... I
remember when I first came to the country... I went to this same ladies
house and was kind of... taken aback by the language I didn't really
understand. But I knew what she was saying as she translated it to her
momma. I'm not super good at speaking it... I can do it a tiny bit :))

We taught some really cool lessons this week. Oh
man. I feel so full thinking about the work that we get to do. Some to
recent converts, some to less actives, some to investigators. But it's
so cool to see the change that happens as we focus on people's needs.
Like Elder Croft said, learning to teach like the Master. Oh man. I
love the gospel. And I love the change that it brings upon people.
This week some of those miracles of change were:
A recent convert coming to church for the first time sporting a suit and tie.
A less active woman that I love, coming to church because she loves the Savior.
Brother Muu continuing to bring his daughters to church.

had the best lesson in the world with Brother Muu and his daughters.
Oh my goodness. It makes me want to laugh because it makes me so
happy. :) So the first time we taught Brother Muu and his daughters...
it was kind of rough. There was a lot of coaxing trying to get them to
even come near us. And then trying to get them to pay attention. And
then trying to help them do things. This time we went with the plan to
teach them restoration. We went in armed with a dorky little Plan of
Salvation picture that I'd drawn and copied, a picture book, and some
crayons. It was almost 100% different. When we arrived they turned off
the movie they were watching and gathered around. It actually ended up
being a very large group of kids. Haha... I'm not sure who they were.
Cousins, neighbors... just whoever. We prayed to open. I may have
peeked at them... it makes me smile just thinking about it. They all
had their arms folded and their eyes closed. Then they all sat and
listened attentively. We talked about the Plan of Salvation. I tried
to whip out my old preschool teaching skills. "God loves us so He
created this earth for us. What kind of things are on the earth? We
have... our families. There are animals... like what? Elephants,
birds." "CHICKENS!!!" It made me so happy. Oh man. They listened so
well. And then afterward they colored with the most careful attention.
:) I've never seen more beautiful Plan of Salvation pictures. Haha...
oh my goodness. Then we said the closing prayer. Hahaha. I was
trying to get one little girl to say it. I asked her if she would. And
she was supposed to follow what I said. We all closed our eyes and
then I whispered "พระบิดาบนสวรรค์" only to hear a CHORUS of children
repeating after me... haha... it was a precious moment. I hope the
picture of them brings you as much joy as it brings me. They actually
had so much fun. But classic asia :) they all stopped smiling for the
picture. :) Hehe... just kidding. But really. Except that ray of
sunshine on the left. Please not the upside down picture. I love that.

In short. Or maybe in long. I love being a
missionary. :) This is the true church of God. I have never found
more joy from "
Teach[ing] them that redemption cometh through Christ the Lord, who is the very Eternal Father."
Oh what a wonderful work.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
Sister Croft
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