Sunday, September 28, 2014

A really good week. (9/15)

Isn't every week a good one?  :)  I love it.

This week.  We did a lot of different things.  It honestly is so difficult to remember all of it... and to try to put it here on this email.  

We had a chance to teach my favorite little kiddies again this week.  Oh how I love them.  They get to color terrible looking pictures drawn by me :) but they are so sweet and take so much care in doing it.  This week one of them told me she wanted to color a picture of Jesus next time, so I did my best... and we taught them about how Jesus taught us to pray.  We also gave them little pictures of Jesus to put on their pillows.  So that each night when they see them they'll remember that Jesus taught us to pray.  :)  Haha... they are the cutest.  I really love those kiddies.

This week as we made our coordination sheet we kind of laughed at what a funny pool of investigators we have.  A lot of them are girls under the age of 18.  And then we also have our 99 year old.  A lot of them are also facing a lot of opposition from family members.  And a lot of specific challenges.  And yet they have courage and faith enough to face those challenges.  It's really kind of an odd thing to me.  I can't imagine my own parents banning me from going to church.  Or being angry with me for praying or reading my scriptures.  Maybe more the opposite :D 
But... it's really inspiring to see... for example one younger girl.  Who dreams of her parents being at her baptism.  And it can't help but make me think.
How do we, who are free and encouraged to live the gospel, choose to live the gospel?

Other thoughts from this week... we had a cool little (or big) miracle yesterday.  We were contacting at a market, and we met a Christian lady, after telling her about the restoration she said "where can I get this book?"  We were close to our house and decided to run home and grab one (we didn't have one on us. shame shame) and then... when we went back to the market and called her we couldn't find her.  We were sad... but texted her and hoped she would call us when she saw our text.  We were going to eat at a members house (celebrating 24 years since this amazing sister has been baptized) and we were a little bit late.  As soon as I finished praying over the food.  She called us back.  And so we had to run back over to the market still with very empty stomachs :)  We were waiting for her for a bit so we just started talking to people, and as soon as we did a woman ran up to us and said "I've been looking for your church for a week.  I'm really interested and I want to go."  It was such perfect timing and really was a miracle.  

I am so grateful to be a missionary.  It has it's challenges for sure.  There were moments this week when I felt very inadequate, we have weaknesses.  But sometimes I like to think of it as proof that this is God's work.  It's like the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego. The fire was so hot it killed the men putting them in the fire.  :)  It had to be the hand of the Lord.  That's the miracle of missionary work.  It's not anything that we do.  We simply have the chance to obey, to invite, and to help.  And see the miracle of conversion take place through repentance and living the principles of the gospel.  There couldn't be anything better.
I love you so much.  Have a wonderful week this week. 

Sister Croft

This is me and Sister Herrmann and Sister Boom.  Cooking up some Thai food together on Monday.  :)  She is the best.

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