Okeeeeeey Dokey. This week. Was really good :) It was kind of an odd
week, because we had switch-offs AND we watched General Conference...
but here are some of the highlights...
This week. We
had switch-offs with the Sister Training Leader from Chaing Mai! I was
with her companion, Sister DuPlessie, who was my Sister Training Leader
in the MTC! She is really awesome, and we had a great day of walking
around and trying to talk to people about the gospel!
This week... we had the chance to teach a referral
from a Brother in our ward who helps us teach a lot, Brother O! He
referred us to his little brother, Brother Daw! These brothers have
such a funny dynamic, they're both quiet but really funny! :) I love
it! We invited him to be baptized, and extended a baptismal date... and
he kinda just said "yep" to which Brother O said "Do you understand
what they just said?" "Yeah... do I wanna get baptized?" "Oh... okay."
Haha... it was heartwarming and exciting! It's gonna be really exciting
to get to teach more of the lessons... and help him progress towards
baptism and conversion! He came to watch conference, and he also got to
see a baptismal service yesterday! So that is so wonderful!
Also... we got to watch CONFERENCE! I love
Conference so much!! It was wonderful to hear so many strong messages
about the family, about missionary work, about covenants, about
conversion, about the unchanging nature of God's laws, and about waiting
on the Lord in our trails! Conference is SUCH a spiritual feast, and I
was so PUMPED to watch it! :) I also love that we are so able to
receive specific spiritual guidance through Conference. While there are
clear themes in what the speakers talked about, I also feel like there
were clear themes in what the Lord was trying to personally teach me! I
love those moments of clarity when the spirit speaks to you and helps
you understand what the Lord wants YOU personally to know! Just some
other cool thoughts from Conference...

We invited some of our investigators and
members to think of questions for Conference. One of them had a
question about how he would pay for his mission. President Monson, the
very first speaker in Conference, spoke about how people's donations
have helped so many serve missions already. WOW! I loved hearing him
share his experience with such clear, powerful, and perso
nal revelation!
Another investigator told me that he had 3 different questions, and
that each of his questions were answered. He said something to the
effect of "that conference question thing you told us about really
works." Yes sir, it does! :) What an incredible opportunity to listen
literally to the word of God, and then to have our hearts personally
touched and instructed! Conference is the BEST!! :D I LOVE it! :) :)
Annnnnnnd. My last thought about this week...
yesterday we had a baptism here in Phitsanulok! Wow! :) This adorable
sister, Sister Pink, is just so awesome! She really studied out the
gospel... I wish we all had the desires to learn that Sister Pink has.
Seriously. This is how awesome she is... she asked me to teach her the
Plan of Salvation one day, just because she really wanted to know! She
also wanted to know what the 10 commandments were. She read from the
scriptures and wrote down questions for the Elders ALL of the time. She
read the doctrine of Christ and then... her question for the Elders was
basically "So... I have to have faith, repent, be baptized, receive the
gift of the Holy Ghost, and Endure to the End?" Yep. That is correct!
It was exciting to see her testimony grow... when she first began
meeting with the Elders she said she believed something like... "50%"
but... slowly she increased her percentage, until, as she said yesterday
as she bore her testimony. "I am 100% sure that this is true!" Her
faith grew brighter and brighter... until the perfect day! She is so
great! I am so amazed by how much she really did study this out, and I
hope she never loses that zeal for studying and learning the gospel!


Sister Croft.
P.S. Photos. One of these is at Family Night... we played a game... involving baby powder. Fun times!