Dearest Family,
Another wonderful moment... this week Sister Fon got
baptized (it's like... phone.) She is amazing too... wow... what an
example of quiet... goodness! She's just amazing! She is actually the
girlfriend of another investigator of ours. I think I told you about
how he just brought her to the church and didn't tell her where they
were going. Suddenly she was sitting in a room with a couple of
Americans learning about Jesus Christ. What a great boyfriend she has!
Haha... She was a little shy and nervous about coming to church... but
as soon as she came (and actually probably long before that!) I feel
like she had a desire to do the right thing, and to follow God. Both of
these sweet sisters (the one above and Sister Fon) I feel like have had
this little nervousness about whether or not they could do it... but...
a desire to follow God nonetheless. I feel like as we let our own
nervousness about our own inadequacies go... and choose to bind
ourselves to the Lord. That's when we can really grow and change! I
love a little object lesson that my seminary teacher showed us in high
school. I think of it often. "I the Lord am bound when ye do what I
say, but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." I remember our
seminary teacher taking a pencil. And asking someone to snap it. Of
course. It snapped easily. Then he bound that pencil to a metal
baseball bat. Now try to snap it! I know that there is real power in
our covenants. And that we can trust in the Lord to help us in our
weaknesses as we make covenants with Him. As long as we are faithful to
those sacred promises we will have strength and help from on high.
Just as we aren't perfect when we make our baptismal covenant... we
aren't perfect as we make other covenants with God. But we become more
perfect as we keep and remember those sacred covenants.
for this week... I don't have an incredible amount of things to share.
Our investigators are doing pretty well... we've had to drop some...
but others are progressing and it's really awesome to see the change in
We had a really wonderful lesson with one of our
investigators this week. Man she is awesome. She is a little bit
nervous about accepting a date :) buuuuuut. I am touched by her
testimony and her desires. She has quit drinking coffee as well as
drinking alcohol. This week we were teaching her the Plan of Salvation.
One of the most touching moments I've ever experienced in a lesson...
we were explaining and testifying about the Savior's centrality in the
Plan of Salvation. We read some verses in Mosiah, and bore testimony of
them. She read through them again and then she said "It's amazing that
He didn't do anything wrong and yet He was willing to take all of that
upon Him." She began to cry and I knew that the spirit was bearing
testimony to her of a beautiful truth. Jesus Christ is the Savior of
the world. She came to church the Sunday and was able to see a baptism.
I know she wants to get baptized!
Anyway. Sister Fon is amazing. I watched her
quietly help the members with food and with the dishes. I heard her
sweet testimony :) and I am so happy for her! Hopefully her boyfriend
is soon to follow! :)
I hope that you guys have a wonderful week this
week! It's going to be a wonderful one at the Croft house. :) I love
you so much!
Sister Croft
P.S. Other miracles that happened... that youth group.
Is so awesome! Sometimes I forget how giggly it is to be their age :)
Buuut. They are so great. A good handful of them got baptized
yesterday. I'm pretty sure I heard the testimony of a future leader in
there. That picture of me in a field by a palm tree is out by where
they live. These girls wake up. Put on skirts... and then ride for
about 45 minutes in the back of a pickup truck to come to church!
They're super awesome. So is their teacher... who first wanted us to
teach them! After church they asked me to play the piano for them...
and then asked if they could braid my hair :) they're so cute!
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