Where to even begin. Some amazing things that happened
this week. First. A couple of weeks ago, or maybe not even that long,
we had a sort of "unproductive day" as far as key indicators went... we
had tried to accomplish good things but we'd gone home and cringed a
little bit because of the 0 numbers that we had gotten etc. Then when
our district leader followed up with us he said "I guess God is blessing
you for your obedience because someone named Deek called me... it was
literally the last woman that we talked to before we raced on our bikes
to get home. We taught her for the first time this week and man... it
was an incredible experience. She told us a lot about her life and
feelings and experiences. She is one of the most prepared people that I
have ever met in my life. As she told us of her personal experiences I
could very clearly see the hand of God in every part of her life. She
has a 7 year-old daughter is extraordinary to say the least. Her
daughter goes to a Catholic? school right now... and despite having a
Buddhist family this little girl is full of so many questions about
Christ. She wants to know and understand and wants to be Christian. A
lot of very spiritual and special experiences have happened in this
woman's life because of her daughter. Oh my goodness. It was an
incredible lesson. I want to tell you everything. At the end of it
Sister Hughes and I just looked at each other stunned because of all
that this woman had experienced. She even went so far to say that she
felt like God is calling her. And she feels close to him. Buddhism has
left her comforted in some moments... but also feeling there must be
something better than this. She is incredible. It was amazing to be
able to here just how specific her preparation had been. God is so
good. I am so happy to be teaching this incredible family. That was on
the day that Elder Croft entered the MTC. And that was a morning when I
told God that we needed miracles, and we needed to find someone who was
Another cool thing. Something I've learned about
(and continue to learn about) as a missionary... is faith and miracles.
I've always had a little bit of an inner conflict... because I've had
several leaders and people on my mission talk about faith and about
miracles in a way that I couldn't quite agree with? I'm not sure how to
describe it. We are taught to expect miracles. And I do :) I expect
them and I see them. But I've also had several people ask me before
"Where is your faith Sister Croft?" ... man I'm sorry I don't know how
to describe this very well... and I'm still learning about it. But...
through some study, discussion, and experience, this week I feel like
I've learned that God blesses us with miracles often, and we can see His
hand clearly if we look for it. I feel like we can ask for specific
miracles, but that doesn't always mean that we will receive them. God
is in charge, it is on His time, and not on our time. But when we have
faith all things are possible that are expedient unto Him. We pray for
miracles all of the time. Daily! And we do receive them... sometimes
they aren't the miracles that we want, but they are the miracles that
God has prepared and they are much better than the ones that we ask for
sometimes. I dunno. Just some thoughts that don't make very much sense
when I try to type them out :)
I love you all so very very much. So very very much. I hope this following week is incredible.
Sister Croft
Brother Moo is four to the right from me in that picture :)
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